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Our lovely staff finally has HorseFacts back up and running due to server issues. Thank you for your patience and get back to learning!!

We made some recent changes to the site, so take a look around, grab a cup of Joe, and let us know what you think.

What age should I start training my young horse?

You can start training your horse or foal basically from the moment it is born.

Imprint training can be great if it is done prudently.

Little things like picking up the horses feet and messing with its ears will go a long way when it comes time to ride your horse. You can even get a horse used to all the basic pressure cues without even saddling it.

Most horses can be started at two to three years of age granted they are not being handled rough or jumped. Just be careful with your horse and keep in mind that horses don't stop growing until they are seven years old.

Take it slow with the little guys or gals and if you start training early you won't be dissapointed.

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