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How do Horses Communicate?
Horses Communicate with each other in various ways. You will often hear them neigh when you take them away from their friends or introduce them to a new horse. This is their way of communicating with each other. The horse neigh is usually used for long distance communication with each other.
Horses also communicate with body language. Most of a horse’s mood is easy to see in the way he holds his head and ears and his hindquarter and tail. When a horse is eager and friendly he will tilt his ears foward and give his full attention. The opposite is true when he is upset as he will tilt his ears back. Be careful when a horse has its ears back. Sometimes they will even let you know they are upset by lifting one of their back legs to kick. Be cautious and make sure you talk to and touch the horse when you are walking behind them.
Pay attention to your horse and after a while a little body language will let you know how it is feeling. Click here to go back to Facts.